The harmful impacts ofclimate change, which have the ability to alterecosystems and expose society’s vulnerabilities, significantly outweigh any beneficial impacts that may arise. ClimateMyth... It's not bad "By the way, if you’re going to vote for something, vote for warming. Less deaths ...
1. positiv(zustimmend): positiv positive positiv[fürjdn]sein tobegoodnews[forsb] 单数在互联网中有11个示例复数在互联网中有11个示例 2. positiv雅: positiv concrete positiv definite 法律positiveForderungsverletzung breachofanobligationotherthanbydelayorimpossibility ...
Does the welfare state increase welfare? Reflections on hidden negatives and observed positivesThe growth of the welfare state and the taxes required to finance it has affected aggregate economic welfare through several channels. Some of the impacts are negative; others are positive. This paper app...
"Those positives and negatives are still pretty much open to speculation, I remain quiteskeptical of the "CO2fertilization" idea in light of the open air experiments conducted so far." 1. Every last open air experiment so far has CONFIRMED the fertilization effect. 2. Open air experiments may...
Two sets of future scenarios based on environmental and economic trends are described. Six types of social change activism are considered essential if the positives of declining EROI are to balance or exceed the negatives.doi:10.3390/su3112071Manno Jack P....
Two sets of future scenarios based on environmental and economic trends are described. Six types of social change activism are considered essential if the positives of declining EROI are to balance or exceed the negatives. Keywords: energy; EROI; human wellbeing; thresholds; degrowth; scenarios; ...