Through comparative analysis, as well as primary quantitative research, we want to take a look at the useful or at the harmful effects of advertising in our everyday life. The results will be brought to the attention of the professional and the general public in order to improve the ...
Managing your alerts and classifying true/false positives helps to train your threat protection solution and can reduce the number of false positives or false negatives over time. Taking these steps also helps reduce noise in your queue so that your security team can focus on higher prior...
But in Vaduz on Saturday the positives outweighed the negatives, none more so than Pennant's dazzling second-half display during which Benitez's latest recruit set up both goals and produced some powerful bursts of pace. The true test of whether Pennant is indeed the right man to fill Anfie...
SEPARATING THE POSITIVES FROM THE NEGATIVES.(advertising campaigns)(Brief Article)Williams, Stan
The findings of the week's Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) Bellwether Report present a catastrophe wherein British companies' marketing budgets are whipped for the third quarter.SnoddyRaymondEBSCO_bspMarketing
Digital delivery positives, negatives.Focuses on 'Orange County Register' graphics systems coordinator, Toni Reilly's outlining of the disadvantages of digital advertising delivery for newspaper. Incompatible hardware and software; PostScript errors; Communication snags.Stein...
For example, research in marketing often involves examining group differences on consumer behavior constructs such as advertising attitudes, brand loyalty, consumer ethnocentrism, service quality, and vanity. The underlying constructs are often measured with well-developed multi-item likert scales (e.g.,...
Two sets of future scenarios based on environmental and economic trends are described. Six types of social change activism are considered essential if the positives of declining EROI are to balance or exceed the negatives. Keywords: energy; EROI; human wellbeing; thresholds; degrowth; scenarios; ...