Moore, W. H., Craven, D. C., & Faber, M. M. (1982). Hemispheric alpha asymmetries of words with positive, negative, and neutral arousal values preceding tasks of recall and recognition: Electrophysiological and behavioral results from stuttering males and nonstuttering males and fe- males. ...
Considering high cognitive and application value of the positive sexuality model, it should be noted that this perspective has not been thoroughly explored when it comes to people with intellectual disability (ID). It is worth mentioning, however, that the method of analyzing sexuality in this ...
The goal of this work is to estimate the number of words of length n on the alphabet A that are factors of an infinite word w with a complexity function bounded by a given function f with exponential growth and to describe the combinatorial structure of such sets of infinite words. We ...
tender terrific tough tremendous trustworthy truthful 7 comments to Nice words that start with T | Positive T words Please Bookmark Us Search engine rankings fluctuate. Easily find this info again with a browser bookmark or social share. Thanks!
The findings show that the credibility of a brand is of paramount importance for the customer in developing a sense of oneness with the brand as well as a sense of affinity with other users of the brand. Our study also offers the new insight that brands serve as symbolic devices that ...
Positive Words That Start with U Positive Words That Start with V Positive Words That Start with W Positive Words That Start with X Positive Words That Start with Y Positive Words That Start with Z Final Thoughts on Positive Words What is a Positive Word? A positive word is one that either...
Until now, we have all probably read and repeated these words thoughtlessly, without suspecting their fearsome seriousness. A look around us at this moment shows what the regression of bourgeois society into barbarism means. This world war is a regression into barbarism. The triumph of ...
Andy Cohen hosts The Positive Show, Monday nights between 6 and 7 on New Rochelle�s WVOX and worldwide at �I can tell you why I created this show in two words: Bad News. There�s too much bad and not enough good.� Andy explains. �Even though lots of positi...
childrenwithpositivevalues, suchamodeofmutual support and mutual enlightenment can better help parents and reducethefeeling of helplessness among many adversity families, as well as changingtheattitude of parents or students with poor motivationinlearning. ...
than complementary with the objectives of peacekeeping missions. 在这方 面,斯洛文尼亚的 COBISS 具有非常积极的意义,大大促进了维护和平目标的实现。 Clear” is one of a select number of Chinese words that ...