Tagalog: tahas (tl) characterised by constructiveness Catalan: positiu (ca) Czech: pozitivní (cs) Finnish: rakentava (fi), myönteinen (fi) Portuguese: positivo (pt) Russian: позити́вный (ru) (pozitívnyj), положи́тельный (ru) (polo...
The basics of positive thought are reinforced in this quick to read but thoughtful book. We all need to be reminded of how our words affect our thinking and our actions. If one is trying to change habits or thoughts, Be Positive or Be Quiet, is a good place to begin. It is a great...
, mo magsalita tagalog? Perbedaan dalam gaya bahasa... by nonez42 30th August 2023 11:50 AM 19 72 Architecture and Construction Architecture, Construction, Design and Plan, Urban, Planning, Structure, Interior Design, 3D Sub-Forums: Design and Planning, Indonesia Architects, Structure and ...