From Hulk Hogan’s reinstatement into the WWE Hall of Fame after a three year suspension due to using the N-word in a private phone call to James Gunn being fired from directing Guardians of the Galaxy 3 due to old tweets involving rape and pedophilia being thrust into the spotlight, plent...
Each man starts from scratch and acquires his own wisdom from his own experience. About all that can be done in the way of communication is to expose others to vicarious experience in the hope of a favorable response. — Edwin Powell Hubble The Nature of Science and Other Lectures (1954),...
That’s a lie. Take out a piece of paper. Grab a pen. Set a timer for 10 minutes. Write the first word that pops into your head on the top of the page and spend the 10 minutes writing down whatever comes to mind. Send your internal critic on a break while you fill the page w...
Bint-E-Naser, S.F.; Mohamed, Z.J.; Chao, Z.; Bali, K.; Owens, R.M.; Daniel, S. Gram-Positive Bacterial Membrane-Based Biosensor for Multimodal Investigation of Membrane–Antibiotic Interactions.Biosensors2024,14, 45. ...
Through the visualization of the word cloud generated during the content analysis, illustrated in Figure 2, we see that the most common words verbalized by the participants in the focus groups are “think”, “adolescents”, “class”, “knowledge”, “school”, “session”, “apply”, “need...
Let's leave the final word on heart disease with noted enzyme researcher Rudolph Kunze: "Although enzymes reduce inflammation and we used to think that was all they did, we now believe that the central target of systemic enzymes is the immune system. It is my belief that heart disease is ...
— Mary J. Blige 42 Drop all negative thoughts from the mind. Do not dwell on adversity but think plenty into everything, for there is power in the word. Meditate on the things you are doing as being already done - complete and perfect. — Ernest Holmes 37 Death makes no sense ...
A mind crippled by doubt, ambivalence, and fear is an entirely different story. That mind is not even to square zero because it has forgotten how to affirm. The first order of the day is to retrain the mind so that it starts affirming once again. That gets you back to square zero, ...
BANISH THE WORD IMPOSSIBLE FROM YOUR MIND. Many people believe change is impossible. Most of the time they are confusing personality with behavior. The basic human personality is relatively constant over time, but behavior can and does change. Personal change happens when people change the way the...
BANISH THE WORD IMPOSSIBLE FROM YOUR MIND. Many people believe change is impossible. Most of the time they are confusing personality with behavior. The basic human personality is relatively constant over time, but behavior can and does change. Personal change happens when people change the way the...