The table below offers some more examples of the three degrees of comparison. Positive DegreeComparative DegreeSuperlative Degree sharp(adjective) sharper sharpest happy(adjective) happier happiest precise(adjective) more precise most precise fast(adverb) faster fastest merrily(adverb) more merrily most me...
Chemistry.(of an element or group) tending to lose electrons and become positively charged; basic. Grammar.being, noting, or pertaining to the initial degree of the comparison of adjectives and adverbs, as the positive formgood.Comparecomparative ( def 4 ),superlative ( def 2 ). ...
InEnglish grammar, thepositive degreeis the basic, uncompared form of anadjectiveoradverb, as opposed to either thecomparativeorsuperlative. Also called thebase formor theabsolute degree. The concept ofpositive degreein the English language is one of the simplest to grasp. For example, in the ph...
2009. Degree structure as trope structure. A trope-based approach to the semantics of positive and comparative adjectives. Linguistics and Philosophy 31: 51–94.Moltmann, Friederike . 2009 . Degree structure as trope structure: a trope-based analysis of positive and comparative adjectives . ...
To evaluate the degree to which the different experimental conditions can affect the secretome protein levels, we first calculated the number of pairwise comparisons in which each protein shows similar abundance between the WT and the medium or gene deletion and summarized the frequencies in a histog...
Tali Heruti-Sover(2025-01-12).Sara Netanyahu's questionable path to an MA in psychology.haaretz.comThe Hebrew University financed an academic writer, the thesis relied on data collected by another researcher, and Netanyahu only completed her internship 14 years after receiving her degree… ...
could access at any time, and that contained their favorite exercises from the previous week. To further increase behavioral modeling, learning, and transfer, four fictional characters shared their experiences and provided examples of how they responded to exercises (Burke & Hutchins,2007; Moreno,...
To investigate whether and how climate warming affects soil priming, we added13C-labeled straw as plant litter to soils samples collected from a long-term (7 years) experimental warming site in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem in the US Great Plains of Central Oklahoma (34̊° 59ʹ N, ...
In order to gather the relevant information on the degree of learned helplessness and the Pygmalion effect, this research provides clues for the improvement of the teaching–learning process of the knowledge in which the adults in this centre are enrolled and of personal and social skills, with ...
Background: the current post-pandemic situation has exacerbated the effects already present due to the recent socio-economic crises belonging to the first two decades of this century: perception of instability, fears, concern for the future, underemployment, undignified work. This situation has negativ...