The meaning of POSITIVE is formally laid down or imposed : prescribed. How to use positive in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Positive.
Yes, having (or living) an authentic purpose at work can be an important “driver” of the experience of meaning in work – but it´s by far not the only aspect that´s important (when looking at extant research). For that reason, I´ve created this infographic. Feel free to cop...
9) displays a coefficient of determination of r2 = 0.27, meaning that changes in vertical velocity potentially account for 27% of the variability in the wet-day frequency. Figure 3b shows that regions with the highest frequency and therefore intensity also occur in regions that have the ...
Generally speaking, sentiment analysis relies upon words and their associated meaning (Havey,2020). But an obstacle posed by Chinese texts is that Chinese sentences are represented as vocabularies or character strings without natural delimiters. Chinese word segmentation technology is used to identify wor...
Meaning that the hopping-induced flux of probability takes place to neighbor sites.Now we set the initial condition as ψ0U(x)=12δx,0,ψ0D(x)=i2δx,0, (26) Tailoring disorder with Markov chains At each time step t, we generate a random variable zt={a=−1,b=1} following a...
Viktor Frankl’s Meaning-Seeking Model and Positive Psychology
V. (2010). Finding positive meaning after loss: The mediating role of reflection for bereaved individuals. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 15, 242 - 258.Boyraz G,Horne SG,Sayger TV.Finding positive meaning after loss:the mediating role of reflection for bereaved individuals[J].J Loss Trauma,...
Referring to the model of positive sexuality, the areas of research in the population of people with intellectual disability were specified, and the theoretical justification of the model, general methodological aspects and practical usefulness were provided....
Emotionsresult from synchronized and interrelated changes in response to stimuli that the individual evaluates as having some relevant meaning. It is this meaning that will cause the emotion to emerge, which will be more or less intense according to the relevance value attributed to the event.Posit...
Finding positive meaning in past negative memories is associated with enhanced mental health. Yet it remains unclear whether it leads to updates in the memory representation itself. Since memory can be labile after retrieval, this leaves the potential fo