I guess if you're lucky enough not to have to pay your rent, then you or I take much more seriously the kind of work that I do, what it takes for me to leave two teenagers of my own and six stepchildren and a husband and four grandchildren. —Ellen Barkin 70 What do you get w...
Share a laugh with colleagues. Introduce a ‘funny moment of the day’ during team meetings where each person can share a light-hearted story or joke. Humor boards. Devote a space on the office bulletin board for employees to post cartoons or humorous quotes—make sure the content is appropr...
Where possible, this study uses the respondents’ direct quotes to reduce misinterpretation and allow for ongoing discussion. 2 Literature Overview An organizational group or team may contain subgroups and individuals. A cultural group shares a set of beliefs, behavioral norms, and behavioral ...
Ten participants were present in the workplace during the interviews, one participated from home. The interviewer was based at her home. No non-participants were present during the interviews. The interviewer took notes during and after the interview. Interviews ended when all participants were ...
Shadow work to heal your anxiety. I’m in the process of healing my mind, body, and soul. My goal is to transform into a Jon who has more inner peace. I realize my anxiety has compromised my career performance at times. Also, I have to stop my past trauma with bad people from de...
We ensured that if other researchers reviewed the data, they would arrive at similar findings, and our use of Quirkos 2.3 qualitative coding software allowed us to check for consistency. Lastly, we used raw quotes to honor participants’ unique narratives and reflect accurate summaries in our ...
This study assessed the incremental impact of performing acts of kindness, beyond the benefits seen from providing a resource booklet on stress management
This chapter reports on a case study that explored the contributions of professional staff to student outcomes at one Australian university. This case study examined the practices of professional staff in their day-to-day work and analyzed their behavior