If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection ofStephen King quotesto give you a feel for some of his greatest works. 118. “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”–Eleanor Roosevelt 119. “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I thin...
While many people have achieved great success and happiness through a conscious practice of positive thinking, others believe that positive thinking is new-age pseudo-science. Actually, as you will see by reading our quotes, positive thinking and consciously adopting a positive attitude dates back ov...
Thank you for visiting: Positive Attitude Quotes.Please sign up on the form below to receive my Free Daily Inspiration - Daily Quotes email.You can also search my large collection of Positive Motivational and Inspirational Quotes and Sayings....
Being Yourself Quotes Brian Tracy Quotes Charles Swindoll Quotes Dale Carnegie Quotes Henry Ford Quotes John Wooden Quotes Norman Vincent Peale Quotes Peter F. Drucker Quotes Steve Jobs Quotes Tony Robbins Quotes Vince Lombardi Quotes Zig Ziglar Quotes...
The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. Stay Positive Quotes Negativepeople need drama like oxygen! Stay positive! It'll take their breath away! —Tony Gaskins 237 Stay positive but stay focused. Sometimes things can distract...
short positive mindset quotes “Train your mind to see the good in every situation.” positive mindset quotes for work “We become what we think about.”– Earl Nightingale “Your past does not equal your future.”– Tony Robbins “Be the attitude you want to be around.”– Tim DeTellis...
Positive Quotes, a selection of positive quotes that will give you the inner strength to overcome any obstacles to achieving your dreams. If you believe it, it will happen...
Positive Quotes to Live By You can have anything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want. - Zig Ziglar Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people...
67 Positive Energy Quotes 1. “It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”― Germany Kent 2. “Focus on an ocean of positives, not a puddle of negatives.”― Kevin Ansbro ...
Positive Attitude Quotes Need a little inspiration to achieve a positive mental attitude? These positive attitude quotes may do the trick. As Dolly Parton once said,“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” ...