I have been involved in psychology in some form or another for over 30 years. First, I received a BS degree in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Then, I earned a Specialist Degree (Masters of Science in Education plus an additional 30 credits) in School Psychology fr...
Positive psychologyis a popular movement that began in the late 1990’s. It is the branch of psychology that has as its primary focus on the strengths, virtues, and talents that contribute to successful functioning and enable individuals and communities toflourish. Core topics include happiness, ...
I’mLisa Avery– aPositive Psychologistwho holds a postgraduate certificate, diploma and master’s degree in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology. I’m a passionate, energetic and empathic individual, for whom human potential, people empowerment and mental wellbeing is a vocation. ...
对于某一个单独的TED talk,也可以直接登录www.ted.com搜索这个talk的名称(名称列在下面以*开头)。 TED向来以18分钟介绍一个领域具创新性的idea著称。对于这个集合,我刚看了两集,接下来会不断增加中。感觉这一系列内容简练又有趣,把Positive Psychology的研究成果和人的普通生活方方面面联系起来,很适合以下人群观看...
Similarly, in psychology, positive consequences are central to the operant conditioning concept in behaviorism, where it is believed associating a positive consequence with a behavior, the behavior will more likely be repeated. Type of Consequences Consequences, both positive and negative, come in many...
The study incorporated positive psychology theory and emotional intelligence theory for the theoretical foundation. Emotional intelligence has an impact on an individual’s self-efficacy, resilience, motivation and at the same time on psychological well-being and academic achievement within the framework ...
Dr. Ying YANG is currently a lecturer in psychology from School of Behavioral and Health Sciences, Australian Catholic University (ACU). She received her Bachelor’s degree from Renmin University of China and Ph.D degree from Bei...
Does socially desirable responding produce exaggerated correlations between self-ratings of personality and positive psychology constructs? We operationalized social desirability as the tendency to react to evaluative content in questionnaire items and related one standard measure and one evaluatively neutralized...
Although I don’t have any doubts about my existence, the human mind could make a similar claim.“I affirm, therefore I am.”Part of what it means for the brain to exist is the power to affirm, and when you strip it of that power, you diminish it to a significant degree. It’s ...