For Abdul-Rahim Al-Sunni, a Sudanese political analyst, the future outcomes of the Sudanese conflict hinge on the military advancements on the battlefield and the shifting power dynamics among the conflicting parties. "If the SAF has managed to gain momentum, particularly in fighting in important...
Was it the equivalent of the Civil War, or the Depression era New Deal? Soon it was clear. Jamille Bouie wrote in the New York Times that Trump and his cronies were "waging war on the American system of government." Corrupt billionaire plutocrats led by Trump have captured the state ...
Ripley got to know Moore while working on her own four-year quest to understand human conflict – personal and political. "One of the biggest surprises for me was how similar human behavior is in all kinds of conflicts, whether it's an ugly divorce, or a labor walkout, or a civil war...
177) stressed the importance of organizations reducing uncertainty and complexity by providing their members both with factual and value premises, where value premises describe information on the desirable outcomes, objectives, and decision criteria as specified by the organization. Additionally, social ...
we dare not be less sacrificial in the love we seek to embody. At the same time, the wisdom of such moves in our own day, when we may ourselves be carriers of the infection, needs careful thought. As we look to these historic examples, let the Spirit lead us in our application. But...
Groups are helpful to spread good but are not adequate to create better and best outcomes. Better and best outcomes are the result of first things first (FTF) continuous improvement work that circles with network connections naturally covering our civic challenges. The primal force (“war footings...
The Alien and Sedition Acts were two pieces of legislation passed by the U.S. Congress in 1798. The Alien Act allowed the deportation of any non-citizen by the president, deemed dangerous or a threat to public safety. The Sedition Act made it illegal for anyone to criticize the govern...
Crumbaugh and Maholick’s (1964) Purpose in Life (PIL) scale measures the presence of purpose as well as its positive outcomes. More recent research by Morgan and Farsides (2007) as well as Schulenberg and Melton (2010) confirms a two-factor structure of the PIL: exciting life and ...
A recent operational and research framework called the Positive Youth Development Program emphasizes a strengths-based strategy for encouraging positive outcomes for young people [10]. By emphasizing the young people’s flexibility and importance to others and society, this strategy avoids the view that...
Generalizing over thousands of years of history over all the inhabited continents, social systems with highly stratified decision-makers do not have a good record of making timely decisions to ameliorate negative outcomes for their populations, when unforeseen crises hit. Nevertheless, let’s try to...