the essence of genuinehuman connection has become increasingly scarce. This is particularly challenging for teenagers, who are navigating the complexities of developing their identities and forming healthy relationships amid the allure of technology. However, amidst this disconnection epidemic, I believe...
However, note-taking has been repeatedly tested and reported diverging impacts on students’ learning. This study investigates the effects of sign-based note-taking (SBN) with the traditional way of using pens and paper, and it features the cognitive processes of understanding and creating notes. ...
It has been found that students with higher levels of academic self-efficacy may have a higher threshold for facing academic stress, leading to greater efficiency in their study engagement and higher levels of student satisfaction. To mitigate academic stress’s negative impacts and bolster students...
domains of educational environments, we also identified gaps where evidence is limited or missing. We also found that studies need to evaluate the differential impacts of environmental interventions and features, to ensure MH inequalities are reduced, and the cost effectiveness of interventions or ...
How one girl’s 16 years of life impacts thousands. Penny Doerge should have had a normal childhood, hanging out with friends and growing into adulthood before thinking about how she could change the world. Read Story SPREAD YOUR WINGS Read Story PDF DOC JPG Photo by Catherine Kay Greenup ...
Finally, the impacts of the social determinants of health (e.g., education, social support, gender, social economic status) were also recognized in the focus groups. It is important to note as well that the factors placing youth 'at-risk’ and mentioned most prominently in the OWS staff ...
Seeing a fellow runner on the ground caused Cooper to step out of the zone and go back to help. He was aided quickly by his teammate Ethan Olds. Together, they helped their fellow competitor across the finish line. “I know our team has great respect for people that give their best ...
According to the theory’s premise, gratitude is a positive emotion that broadens people’s outlook, making them more likely to notice and appreciate positive aspects of their lives, and fostering a broader and more inclusive perspective. Over time, the experience of gratitude is believed to help...
Despite the polar- ised debate, empirical research reveals that university students often see themselves as customers when it comes to student feedback and classroom study, but do not expect to be treated as customers in terms of curriculum design, rigour, classroom behaviour, and graduation (...