HepatologyIsabelleMoreau, ElizabethKenny-Walsh, OrlaCrosbie, Liam J.Fanning. (2009) Histological changes in hepatitis C virus antibody-positive, hepatitis C virus RNA-negative subjects suggest persistent virus infection. Hepatology 49 :10.1002/hep.v49:4, 1392-1392 /...
Although the 2019 EULAR/ACR classification criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) has required at least a positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) titer (≥ 1:80), it remains challenging for clinicians to identify patients with SLE. This study aimed to develop a machine learning (ML) ap...
A negative control was obtained by replacing the primary antibody with a normal rabbit IgG. Positive expression of PC4 in ESCC and normal esophageal mucosa cells was primarily nuclear patterns (Figures 6a and b). Known immunostaining-positive slides were used as positive controls. Two independent ...
Immuno- reactivity of p62, phosphorylated p62 and Keap1 was evaluated by comparison with negative controls. The expression of each antibody was defined as the presence of cytoplasmic and/or nuclear immunoreactivity; the expression was judged positive when either single cell or cell clusters showed ...
(C) LC were detected by WB assay with anti-S antibody in W3 to W9 of washed fractions. (D) Illustration of a WB-HBs assay, process of SHBs bands and SHBs novel parameters calculation. The serum of HBV non-infected individual served as negative control (NC). Serum sample S3 used as ...
In the event that the pellet PCR failed to amplify the specific target sequence, the DNA was deemed negative for HBV DNA. Nested PCR was performed for whole-genome amplification. The first PCR comprised the following steps: 95°C for 1 min, followed by 30 cycles of 98°C for 10 s, 60...
RNA stability assay Huh7 and Hep3B cells of overexpressed LINC02428 or vector cells were seeded into six-well plates and treated with 5 μg/ml actinomycin D (Sigma). The total RNA of cells was extracted at indicated time-points and mRNA expression of KDM5B was measured by qRT-PCR. ...
In addition, Cpa has also been shown to mediate inter- nalization of GAS into HEp-2 cells in an in vitro model of adhesion and invasion59. So, it is likely that — as is the case for Gram-negative pathogens —the pili of Gram-positive bacteria are mainly involved in adhesion and ...
(B) MUC1-negative HepG2 cells treated in the same way as the A549 cells. 3. Discussion 3. DiIsnctuhsissiostnudy, a bispecific aptamer was constructed to bind with both MUC1-positive tumor cells and CIDn 1th6i-spsotsuitdivye, alybmispphecoicfiycteaspitnamoredr ewratos cborninsgtruth...
IsabelleMoreau, ElizabethKenny-Walsh, OrlaCrosbie, Liam J.Fanning. (2009) Histological changes in hepatitis C virus antibody-positive, hepatitis C virus RNA-negative subjects suggest persistent virus infection. Hepatology 49 :10.1002/hep.v49:4, 1392-1392 /...