‘’A feisty little amp with a clean vintage look.‘’ People Talk Positive Tens of thousands of guitarists and major media outlets all over the world are raving about Positive Grid. YOUTUBE INSTAGRAM Darrell Braun GuitarZero2Hero Helen Ibe ...
售价:$19.99 美元: iPad 版购买地址:https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bias-amp-2/id711314889?mt=8 iPhone 版购买地址:https://itunes.apple.com/app/bias-amp-2-for-iphone/id807996795 官网:https://www.positivegrid.com/bias-amp-mobile/
Ever wanted to tailor your own software amp in a plug‑in, and pack the result into a box to take on stage with a real speaker?It’s only a year and a half since I reviewed Positive Grid’s 600W Bias Head modelling guitar amp and Bias Amp Professional amp‑design software, but ...
YouTube2:13 BIAS FX - First look at the interface Positive Grid - BIAS AMP 2 & BIAS FX 81 人观看 8年前 YouTube1:01 Introducing BIAS FX - The world's first-cross platform, amp-and-effects processor Positive Grid - BIAS AMP 2 & BIAS FX 284 人观看 8年前 YouTube2:16 Bias ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现MAC+PC吉他效果器 Positive Grid BIAS FX2 AMP2 Pedal 完整版3套的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于MAC+PC吉他效果器 Positive Grid BIAS FX2 AMP2 Pedal 完整版3套的信息,请来
BIAS AMP 2 is an advanced guitar amp software by leading amplifier simulation company Positive Grid. It allows users to choose from a wide range of virtual components such as pre-amps, power amps, tone stacks, filters, tubes and transformers, all presented in an attractive, easy to use graph...
BIAS FX INTEGRATIONBIAS AMP was designed to integrate directly with BIAS FX, Positive Grid’s flagship amp-and-effects processing environment. All of the custom amplifiers you create with BIAS AMP 2 are automatically available in BIAS FX, providing a foundation for your ideal finished tone. Start...
Positive Grid BIAS AMP 2 Elite Complete v2.2.11 WiN Team R2R | 2021.10.16 | 254.65 MB IAS AMP 2 是终极的虚拟放大器设计器,真实地重现真实电子管放大器的音色和感觉,同时允许您混合和匹配组件以创建理想的放大器。 您可以使用 Amp Match 克隆真实硬件或吉他音轨的音色,或连接到 ToneCloud® 以访问来...
Positive Grid 发布了 Celestion Modern Vintage Pack,这是为旗下 BIAS AMP 2 插件设计的扩展箱头预设。如果你正想要 Celestion 箱头的声音,那么只需要在 BIAS AMP 2 当中安装这个预设就能得到你想要的声音。 Celestion 是很多吉他手都想要的吉他效果,而 BIAS AMP 2 却让这一切变得非常简单。得益于 BIAS AMP ...
BIAS FX集成 BIAS AMP希望直接与audiolove.club BIAS FX(Positive Grid的优质功放和效果处理环境)集成。您使用audiolove.club BIAS AMP 2创建的所有自定义放大器都可以自动在BIAS FX中使用,这是您理想音色的基础。从audiolove.club开始,一个适合您playinq的放大器,就像BIAS AMP 2中的qlove一样,然后在BIAS FX中...