The Best Guitar Songs of the Past 10 Years (Chosen by Positive Grid Employees) To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we asked 10 members of the Positive Grid team to choose their favorite guitar song from the last decade. From folk to metal and lots more, check out the music that inspires ...
The Best Guitar Songs of the Past 10 Years (Chosen by Positive Grid Employees) To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we asked 10 members of the Positive Grid team to choose their favorite guitar song from the last decade. From folk to metal and lots more, check out the music that inspires ...
Positive Grid InciPad & iPhone
#positivegrid# 愿你的新年充满希望和活力,今天睡到自然醒,明年世界任你行,愿你在音乐的世界里自由翱翔,新春快乐! û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c +关注 PositiveGrid_CHINA 1月30日 10:00 来自微博网页版 #大年初二#, #positivegrid# 祝您在这个新春佳节里,心情如阳光般明媚,...
NAMM 2024: Positive Grid has announced the launch of two new Spark products – the LINK wireless system and LIVE Smart amp and PA system – both ideal for players taking to the stage. Spark LIVE is a portable, multi-channel, “all-in-one” smart amp and PA system, while Spark LINK is...
PositiveGrid中国 02月06日 #PG大咖粉丝# 新年伊始,#PositiveGrid#再添一位超级大咖粉丝#张震岳#老师! 这下是真的——我会牢牢记住你的脸 我会记住你给我们这台专业音乐人都在用的小音箱#sparkgo#的思念! PositiveGrid中国 02月05日 · 投稿了视频 ...
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Positive Grid 推出新一代智能吉他音箱 Spark 2 全新一代智能吉他音箱 Spark 2 是 Spark 40 的升级版,具有 50 瓦功率、双倍处理能力的 DSP 引擎、looper 、Spark AI 等功能,可实现无与伦比的声音清晰度、细节。 Spark 2 专为原声、电吉他和贝斯而设计,提供了身临其境的练习和演奏体验。全新的 DSP 放大器...