(inoculated or not inoculated with endophytic bacteria)to study the effects of intercropping on vegetable safety production,phytoremediation efficiency of hyperaccumulator and variation of soil available nutrients.The results showed that the in-tercropping treatment had a negative effect on the growth of ...
“By applying bacteria from a healthy source to the skin of people with atopic dermatitis, we aim to alter the skin microbiome in a way that will relieve symptoms and free people from the burden of constant treatment,” said NIAID’s Ian Myles, M.D., the principal investigator of the tri...
Biotic and abiotic properties mediating plant diversity effects on soil microbial communities in an experimental grassland PLoS One (2014)View more references Cited by (21) Responses of soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea diversity to N, P and NP fertilization: Relationships with soil environmen...
31. This temporal change of diversity effects has been attributed to increasing interspecific complementarity and decreasing functional redundancy over time32,33. For microorganisms, there is a time lag in their response to changes in plant communities due to the accumulation of...
Positive effects of the tea catechin (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate on gut bacteria and fitness of Ectropis obliqua Prout (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)Prout (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) is the most devastating insect pest of tea plants in China and infests thousands of hectares of tea plantations in ...
We modeled the effects of cases of CM and other factors [herd, parity, season of AI, milk yield level (corrected for parity group: primipara and multipara), and other diseases] on the probability of conception associated with a particular AI (first, second, third, fourth). We used SAS ...
Small non-coding RNA RyhB is a key regulator of iron homeostasis in bacteria by sensing iron availability in the environment. Although RyhB is known to influence bacterial virulence by interacting with iron metabolism related regulators, its interaction
A wide range of aerobic and anaerobic Gram-positive taxa have been associated with fish diseases with new pathogens including Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. Lactococcosis and streptoccoccosis have developed into significant constraints of many fish sp
Instead, we found strong evidence that gram-positive bacteria are the key actors in the decomposition of protein-sized nitrogen compounds and that amino acids bound in large organic nitrogen compounds directly contribute to the build-up of bacterial tissue. We conclude that when large organic ...
a major porin facilitating anaerobic respiration, by Crp and Fur Tong Gao*, Lili Ju*, Jianhua Yin & Haichun Gao Major porins are among the most abundant proteins embedded in the outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria, playing crucial roles in maintenance of membrane structural...