答:(1)实证经济学是指那些企图摆脱或排斥一切价值判断,只研究经济本身的内在规律,并根据这些规律来分析和预测经济行为效果的经济学。实证经济学用来描述经济现象“是什么”以及社会经济问题实际上是如何解决的,其方法旨在揭示有关经济变量之间的函数关系和因果关系。 (2)规范经济学是指那些依据一定的价值判断,提出某些...
[translate] aWorse still, 更坏的平静,[translate] aPositive Economic versus Normative Economics 正面经济对基准经济[translate]
positive economics 应该就是“实证”;normative economics 应该就是“规范”。根据wikipedia的解释:Positiv...
Then the Normative economics.Normative economics answers the questions that link to “should” or “ought.”It focuses onidentifying people’s preferences on economical activities and events through the awareness of what should happen or what ought to happen. Thus, it issubjectiveandholds value judgm...
Positive economics is a branch of economics that focuses on the objective analysis of economic behavior and the development of scientific theories and models based on empirical evidence. It seeks to describe and explain economic phenomena as they are, ra
Normative economics is a branch of economics that expresses value or normative judgments about economic fairness. It focuses on what the outcome of the economy or goals of public policy should be. Many normative judgments are conditional. They are given up if facts or knowledge of facts change....
Positive vs Normative EconomicsPositive economics deals questions of facts which can be answered with empirical analysis without taking sides. On the other hand, normative economics addresses questions of fairness and ethics which are subjective.Positive...
Understand the role of economics in public policy and learn the difference between positive and normative analysis.
But normative economics cannot be the sole basis for decision-making on key economic fronts. Positive economics fills in for the objective angle that focuses on facts and cause-and-effect. Coupled with positive economics, normative economics may be useful in establishing, generating, and fulfilling ...
Understanding Positive Economics A cornerstone of positive economics is the development of theories through fact-based examination of causes and effects. Many will refer to this study as "what is" economics due to its use of fact-based determinations and thinking. Normative economics, in contrast, ...