Positive Words List - Get inspired with these positive power words. Be calm, delightful and happy by filling your world with positive words of encouragement.
I’m willing to bet that whatever type of training it was, you’re not fondly recalling sitting in a beige room being talked at or PowerPointed to death. What I remember vividly from a long-ago Scrum training is not the words of wisdom falling from the instructor’s lips, but rather ...
“First, I’d say that I’mmeticulous. In my previous role, I analyzed user data and conducted extensive usability testing to identify pain points and areas for improvement. I also pride myself on being animaginativedesigner. During a recent project, I collaborated with developers to implement ...
Recent evidence has suggested that valuing happiness to an extreme degree has a potential downside in Western but not in East Asian countries. We tested how valuing happiness relates to well-being in mainland China (N = 721) and Western countries (UK, US, and Canada) (N = 349) ...
In other words: I shall not require of a scientific system that it shall be capable of being singled out, once and for all, in a positive sense; but I shall require that its logical form shall be such that it can be singled out, by means of empirical tests, in a negative sense: ...
In other words, coronavirus research was to be conducted in this lab. Perhaps it is just a wild coincidence that the coronavirus outbreak began in the only city in China with a biosafety-level-4 lab that was conducting coronavirus research…” ...
This study focuses on the role of humour in health and well-being of women-who-have-sex-with-women (WSW) during COVID-19. This group has been shown to be v
Negative states and Miscellaneous (for words that cannot be clearly associated to positive or negative states). Excluding “peace”, “beauteous” and “tranquility”, which already had their categories, all the other words were classified as belonging to one of the five mentioned categories, by ...
T-DM1 [31]. There was a linear correlation between intrinsic HER2 expression and radioresistance, however, in combination with irradiation, T-DM1 does not induce a radiosensitivity using conditions that allow cell survival. However, further investigations are needed to r...
if one identifies an individual's welfare with whatever is in the individual's interest, it follows thatAis better for and individual thanBif and only if the individual prefersAtoB—or in other words that welfare is thesatisfaction of preference. This view of welfare has the additional advantage...