The APACHE method described here is a streamlined alternative to the use of affirmations that relies on single words rather than complete phrases. A principle difference between Haye's procedure and the APACHE method is that rather than reading the statements, one calls them to mind extemporaneously...
In this context, and also for all purposes in the present study, positive words are not necessarily those describing positive emotions but rather those able to elicit a positive emotional reaction. One way to determine whether words elicit positive emotions is to ask people to rate their content...
Harper would start by describing the day’s events, paying particular attention to moments that triggered negative emotions. They would write about why these moments were impactful and how they felt in response.By putting these thoughts on paper and rereading them, Harper learned to view their ...
Zesty– A zesty person is someone who is full of life, energy, and excitement. This word is perfect for describing someone who is always up for trying new things and has a contagious, positive attitude. Zippy– Someone who is full of energy and moves quickly can be described as zippy. T...
In the throes of a general election, Britain, home of satire, has produced this wonderful spoof of the typical HRM effort at describing what we do at work. Jobsgopublic. It’s funny, very funny, but not so much for the HR profession. When will we lift our game? Tags: bad job descr...
At the beginning of the new year, or term, ask parents to write a “in a million words or less” letter describing their child. Once you have received letters from all the parents, take some time to read each letter and learn about the unique character, desires, needs and talents of ...
You can do this by describing and demonstrating the observable behav- iors that make up the rules, giving examples of rule violations and behaviors related to the rules, and role-playing rule-following and rule-violating behaviors. You and your stu- dents also can create T-charts that list ...
Much more frequently though, they mentioned positive emotions, describing the board game as fun, playful, and interesting. Using the broader definition of well-being, we also recognised sub-facets such as motivation, engagement, and students’ success in the participants’ responses. For instance, ...
kinds of orchids and introduction of orchid growth characteristics. I can get a lot of water here. My composition was selected as a model for reading in the whole class. Composition comments are: using words accurately, describing vivid images. Since then, I began to like to write a ...
Assessment process.Whereas the mean number of words written in the notes did not reveal significant overall differences between profiles, a significant overall effect was found with regard to the number of videos watched (\({\chi }^{2}\)= 7.12,p = 0.028). For both process measures, th...