(A) Phenotype comparison of the leaf curl under the control or UV-B stress conditions. (B) DAB and NBT staining were used to assess the accumulation of H2O2 and O2−, respectively. Fourteen-day-old seedlings grown in a light incubator were treated with or without UV-B for 36 h before...
Trehseusletsreinsudlitcsaitnedditchaatet dBBthiAatpBtBcioAupldt croecurluditremcroureit CmDo1r6e-CpoDs1it6i-vpeoismitimveunimocmytuensotcoytthees vtoictihneityviocifnMityUoCf1M-pUosCit1iv-peotsuimtivoertcuemllso.r cells. Figure 6. Recruitment of immunocytes to target cells in the presence...