Positive Work Place Attributes for Women Managers: Views from Male Executive Officers of Limpopo Province in South AfricaThe paper seeks to dispel the myth that women do not perform well as managers in the corporate world or work place. It is a fact that boys and girls in most societies are...
Too, there are processes that facilitate the positive at work, and we focus on communication, forgiveness, and thriving. It is important to distinguish between health as the absence of disease and health as the presence of positive attributes. In the third section of the chapter, we consider ...
andeffectivelymanagedforperformanceimprovementin today’sworkplace”(p.52)Perhapsmorebroadly,positive organizationalscholarshipdealswiththestudyofpositive “outcomes,processesandattributesoforganizationsand theirmembers”(Cameron,Dutton,&Quinn,2003,p.4).As ...
Offering continuing education, rewarding excellent service, and staff autonomy are three attributes that make up a positive work environment. Answer true or false: Personal power is the power derived from a manager's relationships with others....
This is especially true since being honest about our skills, qualities, and attributes can be confused with being arrogant or "blowing your own horn." None of us would choose to come across as arrogant or boastful, but having a quiet confidence and respect for our positive characteristics is ...
“Some attempts to support your stressed-out spouse can backfire, actually making the situation much worse,” he said. Common attributes He said in supportive relationships, there were common attributes: Awareness of one’s spouse’s daily work demands (i.e., time pressures, lack of resources,...
It’s better to focus on the desired change in behavior, not the person. Here are ways to focus on behaviors, not personal attributes, when giving feedback: Describe the Action, Not the Person: Instead of saying, “You’re always late”, say, “I’ve noticed delays in recent project ...
For the Voices of Change, it has ensured their attributes remain undented by current circumstances. If anything, they’ve been amplified. They are driven and determined, but warm, friendly, and approachable. They are used to change, and are highly adaptable. They are champions of their peers,...
This article approaches this question by identifying Web attributes, their direct impacts on experiential flow, and their direct and indirect impacts on the utilitarian and hedonic aspects of Web performance. The results presented here support the proposal th 网站能被设计是功利主义和快乐的? 这篇文章...
Much of the volume expands upon and applies core concepts of positive psychology to the workplace context, covering areas such as positive individual attributes, positive emotions, strengths and virtues, and positive relationships. A further definition of POS, as written by editors Cameron and ...