by including counselling and complementary therapies; either by using their own CT skills, employing nurses who provide them or delegating treatment to complementary therapists. Several surveys confirm this trend, so it's safe to assume a lot of GPs believe this improves on conventional treatment. W...
With this realization, I recognized my own requirement for healing which led to Post Graduate training in The Anatomy of the Human Energy Field with The Academy of Spiritual Sciences, Rainbow Light Foundation, prompting a funded research programme within the NHS to examine holistic approaches to com...
There was strong evidence for the impact of positive classroom management techniques, access to physical activity, and peer mentoring on student MH. Studies examining the impact of positive school culture, teacher training in MH and parent involvement in school MH activities also found predominantly ...
Although the DoH recognises that there are many excellent inpatient services with dedicated professional staff, it believes there is incontrovertible and compelling evidence to indicate that too often the experience of acute inpatient care is felt to be neither safe nor...
that link and as a result make one catastrophic decision after another. Here are some examples: The NHS is in permanent crisis, despite more and more money channelled into it. Nobody seems to wonder why there is so much ill health among the general population, at a time of growing ...
but the bulk of the cost is in the technical equipment and the maintenance of that equipment and practitioner training. As time passes and the technology develops, white filling materials are improving and are lasting longer and will soon be as durable as amalgam, though ...
Background: In contrast to alarming reports of exhaustion and burnout amongst healthcare workers in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, we noticed surprisingly positive staff experiences of working in a COVID-19 field hospital in South Africa. The 862-bed “Hospital of Hope” was establis...
and gluten cause a lot of allergic diseases and, as wheat is a primary food, used throughout the food industry, you will need expert advice to provide substitutes. Fish, especially shellfish and crustaceans, can be very harmful. Usually meat is safe to eat. Sugar and yeast have a bad ...
At Energy Works our message and our journey is simple - to empower those who want to learn a simple safe and effective way to release fear, connect with courage and faith and take responsibility for their lives. Remember responsibility means - the ability to respond. Knowing a little about ...
extraordinarily safe, and of inconsequential cost (less than ten cents of HP per nebulization). There is everything to be gained and nothing to be lost in applying HP in this manner. It does not need to displace traditional therapies, as it can augment the positive impact of any other clin...