andnegativelifeeventsCoronaryheartdiseaseYoungadultsObjective: to investigate the influence of positive and negative life events (including daily uplifts and daily hassles) on several biological and lifestyle coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors. Methods: from the Amsterdam Growth and Health ...
to investigate the influence of positive and negative life events (including daily uplifts and daily hassles) on several biological and lifestyle coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors. from the Amsterdam Growth and Health Longitudinal Study (AGHLS), a cross-section sample of 207 males and ...
95(M);>=0.86(F)SedentaryLifestyleNotparticipatinginaregularexerciseprogramAccumulatinglessthan30minutesmoderateintensityexercise3-5days weekly NegativeRiskFactorsforCHDACSM (2006)HighlevelofHDL HDLcholesterol>1.6mmol/L(60mg/dl)InitialRisk Stratification Lowrisk Men<45yearsofageandwomen<55yearsofage ...
healthy group. Theqvalues (false discovery rate adjustedpvalue) were calculated using the Benjamini-Hochberg method (*q < 0.25, **q < 0.05).dMultivariable linear regression was used to assess the association of chronic insomnia with the gut microbial biomarkers in the discovery and vali...
(n = 6122) cohort participants, who provided detailed information on chronic insomnia status, CMD and related risk factors (Fig.1a, and Tables1and2). We also performed targeted fecal bile acid metabolome analyses among 954 participants from the GNHS cohort (Fig.1a). In the GNHS, the ...
For example, it is replete with products high in cereal fibre which have never been shown to be heart healthy; as I have explained elsewhere, clinical trials have actually shown cereal fibre to increase CHD mortality and colorectal cancer incidence. Popcorn, pancake mix, crackers, high-GI fruit...
population haplotype panels that are not readily available in all populations, as is the case with Latinos16,17,18. Fitting a mixed model or adjusting for ancestry in GWAS can circumvent the confounding effect of ancestry, but may lead to a higher false-negative rate and losing ancestry-...
2 contiguous leads combined with TnT values > 0.05 ng/mL. UAP; Transient ST-segment depression or T-wave inversion and TnT values < 0.05 ng/mL. No-ACS; All other conditions (i.e. unspecific chest pain, arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation etc.) without ECG changes and with negative troponins...
Campa A. Coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors and metabolic syndrome in HIV-positive drug users in Miami. Am J Infect Dis. 2006; 2 :173–179. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ]Forrester J.E., Nutritional alterations in drug abusers with and without HIV, Am. J. Infect. Dis., ...
coronary heart disease (CHDrisk factorscross-sectional studiessocial supportIn a repertory grid experiment, following a suggestion by Rapoport (1990), I varied the number of acquaintances (N) evaluated by each of 108 subjects from 1 to 9, and for every value of N, the number of acquaintances...