Howard A. Positive and negative emotional attractors and intentional change. Journal of Management Development, 2006;25(7),657-670.Howard, A. (2006): Positive and Negative Emotional Attractors and Intentional Change. Journal of Management Development.,25(7):657-670. Huy, Q. N. (2002): ...
An exploratory examination of positive and negative emotional attractors' impact on coaching intentional change.Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.Howard, A. (2009). An exploratory examination of positive and negative emotional attractors' impact on coaching ...
Tuning in to social responsibility: Mediating effect of positive and negative emotional attractorsThornton, Joseph CThornton, J. 2013. Tuning into Social Responsibility: the mediating effect of positive and negative emotional attractors: 67. DM Archives: Case Western Reserve University....
S. (2011). The mediating role of positive and negative emotional attractors between psychosocial correlates of doctor-patient relationship and treatment adherence in type 2 diabetes. Cleveland, OH: Case Western Reserve University.Khawaja, M. (2011). The mediating role of positive and negative ...
Determination of the emotion in this way proposes the existence of either a positive emotional attractor (PEA) or a negative emotional attractor (NEA). The paper discusses positive psychology's perspective on the differential impacts of positive and negative emotion. The paper also outlines an ...
These two primary states are strange attractors, each characterized by three dimensions: (1) positive versus negative emotional arousal; (2) endocrine arousal of the parasympathetic nervous system versus sympathetic nervous system; and (3) neurological activation of the default mode network versus the ...