Finnish: tosiasia (fi) Spanish: supuesto (es) m favourable point or characteristic Finnish: etu (fi), hyvä puoli, myönteinen asia (fi) thing having a positive value Finnish: positiivinen suure, positiivinen luku the positive degree of adjectives and adverbs Czech: pozitiv (cs) m...
These adjectives mean mindful of, conforming to, or marked by good manners.Politeandmannerlyimply consideration for others and the adherence to conventional social standards of good behavior:"She was so polite and unwilling to offend that she wouldn't always make her feelings and intentions clear"...
Grammarbeing, noting, or pertaining to the initial degree of the comparison of adjectives and adverbs, as the positive form good. Cf. comparative (def. 4), superlative (def. 2). Medicine a. (of blood, affected tissue, etc.) showing the presence of disease.b. (of a diagnostic test) in...
Vocabulary JamCompete with other teams in real time to see who answers the most questions correctly! Spelling BeeTest your spelling acumen. Read the definition, listen to the word and try spelling it! Teaching tools QuizCreate and assign quizzes to your students to test their vocabulary. Assign...
[< Greekióngoing, neuter present participle ofiénaito go; term introduced by Michael Faraday in 1834] i•on′ic,adj. -ion a suffix, appearing in words of Latin origin, denoting action or condition, used to form nouns from stems of adjectives (communion; union) and verbs (legion; opini...
a suffix, appearing in words of Latin origin, denoting action or condition, used in Latin and in English to form nouns from stems of Latin adjectives (communion; union), verbs (legion; opinion), and esp. past participles (allusion;
Ch 4. Tenses in English Ch 5. Punctuation Rules Ch 6. Adjectives in English Ch 7. Formatting Rules Ch 8. Nouns & Pronouns in English Ch 9. Rules for Writing & Revising Ch 10. Using Homonyms Ch 11. Verbs & Adverbs in English Ch 12. Word Usage RulesPositive...
Adjectives That Start With Z To Describe Someone Positively Here are some Z words you can use to describe a person or someone you know positively: Zealous– A zealous individual is passionate and enthusiastic about something. Generally, they have a lot of energy and dedication toward a particular...
This list is the second list created by Elena and contains more than 6000 positive adjectives and positive nouns collected over the years. Find the extensive list of Positive Words That Start With Letters From A to Z. Also, use the search box of the website to find separately kind words ...
The COMPLETE list of Positive Wor(l)ds. Tens of thousands of words that describe, & recreate, people including Adjectives, Nouns, Verbs, Seasonal Descriptions, Ad Words and and Business Vocabulary.