When applying for a job, reread the job description and take note of the descriptive words that the company uses. Choose some of the same words to put on your resume or in your cover letter to show that you’re an ideal candidate for the role. Only choose adjectives that accurately descr...
Zest– A great enthusiasm and energy for something, often used to describe a person’s passion for life, hobby, travel, etc. Cool Words Zest, zoetrope, zephyrian, zeppelin, ziggurat, zeugma, or zerzuela are some of the cool words that start with the letter Z. Loving Words Looking for l...
UMa, 2013-2014. Once I started answering his questions I got so carried away that I thought I might as well share the letter on my blog, which Juan agreed to, since he can quote from the blog in his dissertation. I don’t know much about the program he is working and I have not ...
A.Sheshouldapplyforthejoborshewillmissherchance. B.Sheshouldfollowherdreams,nomatterwhat. C.Hercoverlettershouldbeclearlywritten. D.Sheshouldn’tchangejobstoooften. SectionC Listentotherecordedpassagethreetimes.Duringthesecondreading,fillintheblankswiththewordsandphrasesyouhear.Duringthethirdreading,checkyou...
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