Positionality statement on studying male victims of intimate partner abuse in Zimbabwe: a research noteForeign CountriesMalesFamily ViolenceResearchersIndividual CharacteristicsValuesWork ExperienceAge DifferencesGender DifferencesEthnicityReflecting on one's positionality as a researcher is a critical element in ...
For example, the positionality of the world city in the global financial networks is different from that in the global aviation network (Cheung et al., 2020; Silva et al., 2016). Each network is a research perspective, representing a research purpose, and more and more inter-urban flow ...
Advancement of Interdisciplinary ResearchAdolescent Development within the Contexts of Family, Ethnicity and Social ClassAdolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health: Global PerspectivesAdvances in the Social SciencesAdvancing the Wellbeing of Marginalized Communities: Stigma and Health Service Access and Utilization...
In academia and research, this is called ‘positionality’ and writing a ‘positionality statement’ is just one simple way to integrate a decolonising approach* to one’s work.” This is the legacy of postmodernism, in which there is no such thing as objective reality — only su...