Positionality statement on studying male victims of intimate partner abuse in Zimbabwe: a research noteForeign CountriesMalesFamily ViolenceResearchersIndividual CharacteristicsValuesWork ExperienceAge DifferencesGender DifferencesEthnicityReflecting on one's positionality as a researcher is a critical element in ...
3. Investigating camp accommodation 753.6 Positionality and ethicsPositionalityI base my work on a body of critical literature, which argues that pure objectivity isneverpossibleinsocialsciences(e.g.Adornoetal.1993).Allresearchhappenswithina social and political environment and is shaped by biases.In my...
These intersecting positions had varying impacts on the interview dynamics, depending on the research context—for example, when interviewing in Sweden, her marginalized Polish nationality was used by an interview participant as justification for openly sexualising her. Pini (2005) also argued that ...
“Scholars are encouraged to draft a positionality statement that helps clarify how the scholars are positioned regarding the researchand the researched. Scholars may choose to include only whatever is most relevant to the specifics of the research topic. If, for instance, scholars are ...