Examples While some of its religious significance has diminished over time as traditional Christian religious practice has entered the public square, on critical analysis, the clearly religious meanings, symbolism, positionality and antecedents of generalized holiday observances belie any claims that they ha...
Additional Examples Source: Sensoy, Ozlem, and Robin DiAngelo.Is Everyone Really Equal?: An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education, first edition. Teacher’s College Press: New York, 2012, p. 187. The recognition that where you stand in relation to others in society shapes ...
The examples of interviewing a friend and two friendly strangers demonstrate the ways of negotiating mutual positions in the interaction. Shared gender is regarded as partially, but not universally, promoting rapport, taking into account the intersectionality of multiple differences between women. ...
I then offer three examples from research in Quintana Roo, Mexico that speak to the ways that grappling with positionality has influenced my and my collaborators' agendas and goals related to the commemoration of the heritage of the Maya Social War (Caste War of Yucatan).doi:10.1111/apaa.12126...
Thorstein Veblen. I am sure after I have completed at least three more of his works (I referenced five, later in this post), I will have attained more insight and will likely share some of that here in this series of posts. I certainly hope I find more examples of resistance that ...
El-Desouky offers analytic examples of narrative interpretations of the cultural memory of revolutionary acts as offering a phenomenology of narrated memory. Expressions of cultural remembering, El-Desouky argues, radicalize conventional textuality, as they involve interpretive horizons of experience ...
The following examples represent two students in particular: A disabled, female-identified, queer, international student from Botswana and a disabled, female-identified, heterosexual, US citizen from New Hampshire, respectively: Taken from the larger context of their 90-minute interview, these ...
While exploring more common topics, such as negotiating access and receiving permission to photograph within participants' homes, this article will also highlight issues that occur specifically within community-based ethnographic studies among Russian migrants. Using examples from the study of Russian ...
This article seeks to identify examples of power relations and ideology by drawing on the narratives of five local interpreters who worked with Spanish troops stationed in Afghanistan as part of the International Security Assistance Force between 2003 and 2015. The narratives were collected using a ...
By drawing on examples from team research conducted, the article suggests that these positionings give rise to unconventional and contradictory power relations. By reflecting on the role of the researcher(s) and the politics of research itself, we hope to engender more conscientious peacekeeping ...