class Encoder(nn.Module): # 通过多个卷积层对输入数据进行编码,生成64维特征向量 def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.c0 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=4, stride=1) # 输出尺寸29 self.c1 = nn.Conv2d(64, 128, kernel_size=4, stride=1) # 输出尺寸26 self.c2 = nn.Con...
**model_kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/transformers/models/qwen2/", line 1080, in __init__ self.model = Qwen2Model(config) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/transformers/models/qwen2/", line 868, in __init__ [Qwe...
1classRelationModel(object):2"""A wrapper class for the training and evaluation of models.3用于训练和评估模型的包装类"""4def__init__(self, opt, emb_matrix=None):5self.opt =opt6self.model =PositionAwareRNN(opt, emb_matrix)7self.criterion =nn.CrossEntropyLoss()8self.parameters = [pfor...
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class Position_learnable(): def __init__(self, n_patch, embed_dim, fixed=False): self.param = np.random.normal(0, 1, (1, n_patch**2, embed_dim)) self.param_delta = np.zeros_like(self.param) self.fixed = fixed self.posk =...
trainer_num = paddle.distributed.get_world_size() use_data_parallel = trainer_num !=1ifuse_data_parallel: dist.init_parallel_env() transform = T.Compose([T.Transpose()]) train_dataset = mode='train', backend='cv2', transform=transform) ...
i_parent = lr_custom_cont i_appl_events = space i_parentdbg = i_applogparent = i_graphicsparent = i_name = i_fcat_complete = space EXCEPTIONS error_cntl_create = 1 error_cntl_init = 2 error_cntl_link = 3 error_dp_create = 4 others = 5 . ...
2003 wurde das Femtec- Network initiiert, welches die Kooperation in Bezug auf die natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftliche Ausbildung und die Gleichstellungspolitik intensiviert. Die Kooperationspartner wie z. B. DaimlerChrysler AG, Porsche, Siemens, ThyssenKrupp AG können sich sehen lassen.[...
3. B3L. E3B.LaBEnLdaEnPadDnPRdD-PBRDa-sRBe-adBseaPdsreoPdbraPobbrioalbibsaitlbiicisltPiisoctsiPicotiPsoointsiioStnieolSenecStlieeoclnteicoAtnilogAnolrAgitolhgrmiotrhimthm sofohfuorsofrawohfnTpuosofnrdoahhrawfuoirnoerpTntnmrawdsahpnFTpoiraenrnpidtmahorgspaoiereFpunatrrmpidsotrropgFiaeeseacpurpi...
(Rae)aRl evaielwvioefwthoefStuhne Sun partially cloudy; (b) Sensor view of the Sun partially cloudy; (c) Real view of the Sun nebulous cloudy; partia(ldly) Scelnosuodryv;i(ebw) oSfenthseorSuvnienwebouflothues Scluonudpya;r(teia) lRlyeaclloviuedwyo; f(ct)heReSaulnvcileowudoyf;...
Housing in Israel A general synopsis for finding an apartment in Israel Why Choose Israel for an International Postdoc? Why Israel is one of the best places for researchers to work Supervisor Database Potential postdocs seeking an opportunity in Israel can navigate this directory to locate a rele...