选择两种型号; AT-Manual型号需要用户泵送一个杠杆来对执行机构施加液压力; AT-Automatic型号通过按下按钮将液压力施加到执行机构。 PosiTest AT套件完成了在金属或混凝土表面进行粘合力测试所需的一切。一个轻便的泡沫手提箱,用于固定测试仪和执行机构,拉头,研磨垫片,以研磨拉线和涂层接触面,切割工具,粘合剂套件(包括...
PosiTest AT-A Automatic Electronically controlled hydraulic pump automatically applies smooth and continuous pull-off pressure, reducing risk of influencing the pulling process Switchable measurement units: psi, MPa, Nmm2, Newman Pull rate, pull limit, and hold time are all user-adjustable Internal ...
Testing with thePosiTestAT-AAutomatic Adhesion Testerfollows a similar, simplified method. Attach the actuator to the dolly and ensure the quick coupling head is completely engaged. Verify that the units, loading fixture size, and pull rate are properly set, then press the green button to initiate...
Defelsko Defelsko Pull-off adhesion tester PosiTest AT-A 20mm is a fully automatic pullout adhesion tester using a 20mm size kit, PosiTest AT-A 20mm is a liquid crystal digital display. Suitable for adhesion measurement of coatings on metal and Miscellan
Adhesion testers include everything needed for testing:Automatic Adhesion Tester, built-in rechargeable NiMH battery with charger, dollies, abrasive pad, cutting tool, glue with mixing sticks and palettes, cotton swabs, USB cable, PosiSoft Software, instruction booklet, shoulder strap, Certificate of...
PosiTest Pull-Off Adhesion Tester INSTRUCTION MANUAL v. 3.0 PosiTestAT (manual) PosiTestAT-A (automatic) Simple. Durable. Accurate.The portable, hand-operatedPosiTest Pull-Off Adhesion Testermeasures the force required to pull a specified test diameter of coating away from its substrate using ...
positesttesterindhesiadhesionmanualtester PosiTestPull-OffAdhesionTesterpositestPosiTestPull-OffAdhesionTesterINSTRUCTIONMANUALv.3.0PosiTestAT(manual)PosiTestAT-A(automatic)Simple.Durable.Accurate.IntroductionTheportable,hand-operatedPosiTestPull-OffAdhesionTestermeasurestheforce辙覆婆讣敦殆铣慰堕间帐坊堆淌仇芦初戌幂...
AS 1580.408.5-2006 Adhesion—Pull-off test 热度: 50461_ADHESION TEST OF INORGANIC AND ORGANIC TRIMS BY SQUARING OFF 热度: PosiTestPull-OffAdhesionTester INSTRUCTIONMANUALv.3.0 Simple.Durable.Accurate. PosiTestAT (manual) PosiTestAT-A (automatic) ...
选择两种型号; AT-Manual型号需要用户泵送一个杠杆来对执行机构施加液压力; AT-Automatic型号通过按下按钮将液压力施加到执行机构。 PosiTest AT套件完成了在金属或混凝土表面进行粘合力测试所需的一切。一个轻便的泡沫手提箱,用于固定测试仪和执行机构,拉头,研磨垫片,以研磨拉线和涂层接触面,切割工具,粘合剂套件(包括...
Adhesion testers include everything needed for testing:Automatic Adhesion Tester, built-in rechargeable NiMH battery with charger, dollies, abrasive pad, cutting tool, glue with mixing sticks and palettes, cotton swabs, USB cable, PosiSoft Software, instruction booklet, shoulder strap, Certificate of...