To prepare for installation of this mod, you will need to head over to Sims 4 Studio anddownload Pose Player. Once you have downloaded the .zip file, educate yourself about the mod byreading their tutorialin order to learn about the mod’s functionality. Once that’s out of the way, be...
player的目的是,方便你做任何动作。不用再以前一样做制指定动作但前提!你得有这个pose mod 6楼201604-21 09:13 收起回复 ksims 复活亡灵 13 放置Mod的方法呢和放置其他Mod的方法一样可以看教程戳:【教程关于游戏的Mod文件的放置以及冲突解决方法·作者:抓兔子的萝卜君http:/