1.情侣Pose 最常见的当然就是情侣放闪图, 每次看到自己的小人甜蜜蜜都会很开心XD 2.友情Pose 3.睡衣趴Pose 南宫很喜欢在桌上摆上一堆甜点 看了心情就很好XD 4.中国风Pose 中式衣服全部都是资料片‘世界历险记’的!! 5.仙侠风Pose (中式房屋来自 //www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3...
Sims4Studio Sugar版(需要登入後才能下載,沒有帳號的話點此註冊) 進入網頁後,選 Download 下的 Installer,下載完後點兩下安裝就可以了。 Pose Player 要把這個丟進 Mods 裡才能在遊戲裡執行 Pose 喔 Blender 用來編輯 Pose 的軟體 打開Sims4Studio 打開軟體後會出現如下畫面 選擇Clip Pack 後點選 Animation 這個...
The Sims 4 The long-running life-sim series is free to download and play on PlayStation, offering substantial content with optional extras available to purchase. Enjoy endless possibilities as you guide y...
To prepare for installation of this mod, you will need to head over to Sims 4 Studio anddownload Pose Player. Once you have downloaded the .zip file, educate yourself about the mod byreading their tutorialin order to learn about the mod’s functionality. Once that’s out of the way, be...