Side Note: When combined with theTeleport Any Simmod, and the numerous custom game poses available within the community, The Sims 4 Pose Player truly allows for full control to manipulate a Sim’s posture. More on that later on in this article. Getting Started with Pose Player To prepare fo...
最好搭配模组市民传送器TELEPORT ANY SIM一起使用 这样市民才可以在您精准指定的位置拍动作喔 游戏内摆拍教程可以参考这位B站博主的视频 ◣模组本体下载 ◢ ★ 推荐搭配 免更新版 简体补丁+美化字体 32款 ★ ★ 如遇被墙 点我!用魔法上外网 ★ 下载后请务必...