静态:https://pose-animator-demo.firebaseapp.com/static_image.html 如何运行? 安装依赖项同时准备构建目录: yarn 查看文件更改,并启动开发服务器: yarn watch 值得一提的是,Chrome 以及 IOS Safari 都支持上述 Demos,Android 上的 Chrome 虽然还未测试过,但项目开发者表示应该也同样支持。 如何使得自己的设计具...
动态:https://pose-animator-demo.firebaseapp.com/camera.html 静态:https://pose-animator-demo.firebaseapp.com/static_image.html 如何运行? 安装依赖项同时准备构建目录: yarn 查看文件更改,并启动开发服务器: yarnwatch 值得一提的是,Chrome 以及 IOS Safari 都支持上述 Demos,Android 上的 Chrome 虽然还未...
Pose Animator 是一个基于 PoseNet 和 FaceMesh 可将你 Pose 变成 2D 动画的工具,生成的动画人物会根据你的表情和肢体动作做出相应动作。来制作你的 2D 镜像人吧! 主页 取消 保存更改 1 https://gitee.com/szp_gl/pose-animator.git git@gitee.com:szp_gl/pose-animator.git szp_gl pose-animator pose-ani...
<!DOCTYPE html> Pose Animator Demos Pose Animator Demos Animated 2D avatar - Camera feed demo Animated 2D avatar - Image demo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13While the code is focused, press Alt+F1 for a menu of operations....
Pose Animator Pose Animator is a free and open source implementation showcasing how you can animated an SVG avatar using either webcam driven face and bone data, or from analyzing a static image. On theGitHub repository, Pose Animator is described accordingly:...
Check out more cool TF.js demos here. This is not an officially supported Google product. In skeletal animation a character is represented in two parts: a surface used to draw the character, and a hierarchical set of interconnected bones used to animate the surface. In Pose Animator, the ...
# Pose Animator ## Contents ### Demo 1: Camera feed The camera demo animates a 2D avatar in real-time from a webcam video stream. <!-- --> ### Demo 2: Static image The static image demo shows the avatar positioned from a single image. <!-- --> ## Setup Install dependenci...
Check out more cool TF.js demos here. This is not an officially supported Google product. In skeletal animation a character is represented in two parts: a surface used to draw the character, and a hierarchical set of interconnected bones used to animate the surface. In Pose Animator, the ...
Check out more cool TF.js demos here. This is not an officially supported Google product. In skeletal animation a character is represented in two parts: a surface used to draw the character, and a hierarchical set of interconnected bones used to animate the surface. In Pose Animator, the ...
Check out more cool TF.js demos here. This is not an officially supported Google product. In skeletal animation a character is represented in two parts: a surface used to draw the character, and a hierarchical set of interconnected bones used to animate the surface. In Pose Animator, the ...