PSSBSG21 中的“PSSB”是 POSB 银行的银行代码,“SG”是新加坡(Singapore)的国家代码。 3.POSB 银行的 SWIFT 代码应用范围 POSB 银行的 SWIFT 代码可用于以下场景: - 跨境汇款:当你需要从国外汇款到新加坡,或从新加坡汇款到国外时,需要提供 POSB 银行的 SWIFT 代码以便接收行识别和处理汇款。 - 银行间结算:...
如果你認為自己使用了錯誤的 SWIFT 代碼進行匯款,則應立即與銀行聯絡。他們也許可以取消交易。如果為時已晚,你可能必須自行聯絡收款人,並要求他們向你退還匯款。 每間POSB分行的SWIFT代碼是否都不同? 每個POSB 分行都有一個獨特的 SWIFT 代碼。你可以在此處查看 POSB 分行的正確 SWIFT 代碼。不過,如果不確定或找不...
You need to use the clearing code, not the SWIFT code - I made the same mistake initially. The codes for DBS can be found at nd.html. When you enter the clearing code your bank details will appear so y...
离多美歌最近的POSB,在SMU旁边,你沿着bras basa rd走,一个教堂旁边,SMU图书馆斜对面 我也是用的POSB卡,POSB和DBS是一起的(POSB前几年和DBS合并的),上海就有DBS银行的2个分行(北京广州也有),既然你有POSB的卡,从那里直接把钱打过来,这样会比较方便,省钱;而且不用自己去跑一次 ...
A part of the DBS Group, POSB is the largest and oldest local bank in Singapore with over four million customers. Having served generations of Singaporeans for the past 147 years, it is known as the “People’s Bank”, and p...
5. Bank /personal/deposits/ 6. Swift Code, /i-bank/ 7. Travel Insurance, /i-bank/ 8. Fixed Deposit Rates /i-bank/ 9. Borrow /per...
Singapore, 11 Jan 2021 - From 25 January, DBS/POSB customers will be able to obtain new and good-as-new notes for Chinese New Year (CNY) at more locations across Singapore. Bearing in mind the Covid-19 safety measures in place, the bank will also open up more reservation s...
This story was first published onDBS Design– Stories from the design team at DBS Bank in Singapore.
website and/or using the online services, you agree that such access and/or use, as well as these Terms and Conditions of Access shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Singapore and you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts...
How is Post Office Savings Bank (Singapore) abbreviated? POSB stands for Post Office Savings Bank (Singapore). POSB is defined as Post Office Savings Bank (Singapore) frequently.