The HX-6500 POS terminal is a state-of-the-art 15.6 inch bezel-free, capacitive touch screen point of sale system suitable for hospitality and retail venues of all shapes and sizes. Here are four key reasons to consider the HX-6500: Reliability– Uniwell’s proprietary embedded technology rem...
由于我用的是thinkphp5,tp5是没有封装分区查询操作的,所以需要用原生的sql语句来进行查询(即不能使用链式查询)。(tp6是可以使用链式查询的) $list = Db::query(select * from 表名 partition (分区名)"); 1. sql的内连接方式: select * from A partition (分区名) inner join B on = ...
PC客户端, C# 运行环境: 至少安装有 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 或 4.5以上(源代码编译时候可选.NET版本,请注意部分dll文件需要根据您选择运行的的.NET版本进行升级,例如:Lib文件夹下面的System.Data.SQLite.dll SQLLite库) 移动端:自动适配Android或IOS各版本浏览器。适配微信小程序、百度小程序等 服务端: P...
php$servername="localhost";$username="root";$password="";$dbname="pos_system";// 创建连接$conn=newmysqli($servername,$username,$password,$dbname);// 检测连接if($conn->connect_error){die("连接失败: ".$conn->connect_error);}// 获取POST数据$customerName=$_POST['customerName'];$product...
We provide custom made software and software development solution in Kedah, Penang, KL and Johor in Malaysia. Our range of business solution includes; F&B POS System, Accounting System, Documentation Control (eDoc System), Warehouse & Inventory System, C
With this powerful system, you will get a powerful admin panel built with Laravel Framework that will help you manage the whole system smartly which accelerates your restaurant business. Server eFood requires PHP v8+ and MySQL 5.7+ Mod_rewrite Apache BCMath PHP extension Ctype PHP, JSON, ...
Türk bankaları için sanal pos paketi (PHP). Contribute to mewebstudio/pos development by creating an account on GitHub.
...); } 2、使用org.json包对象转换json字符串 org.json org.jsonjson字符串 String json = gson.toJson(user); System.out.println(json); //json字符串转成对象 User user1 =...(json); // json字符串转成对象 JSONObject jsonObject1 = JSONObject.fromObject(json); User user1 = (User...如...
———- Pos function Returns the index value of the first character in...Unit System Category string handling routines function Pos(Substr: string; S: string): Integer;...Description Pos searches for a substring, Substr, in a string, S...Pos searches for Substr within S and returns an i...
SYSTEM --in:每秒产生的中断次数 --cs:每秒产生的上下文切换次数 上面2个值越大,会看到由内核消耗的CPU时间会越大 CPU -us:用户进程消耗的CPU时间百分 us的值比较高时,说明用户进程消耗的CPU时间多,但是如果长期超50%的使用,那么我们就该考虑优化程序算法或者进行加速(比如PHP/PERL) ...