The Portuguese man o' war is unable to physically propel itself through the water. Instead, the colony is moved around by winds, ocean currents and tides. The Portuguese man o' war is able to control how low it sits in the water by adjusting the gas density inside the float. If threate...
This Portugese American man is fishing off the coast of Newport, Rhode Island. In California there was a greater effort to maintain ethnicity. The Portuguese immigrants generally settled in rural areas where they farmed or operated dairies. They hired other Portuguese as hands on their farms, an...
When his young guide is taken away to war, the blind man’s world falls dark. Gigito’s sister arrives to take her brother’s place but she describes the world as it truly is, and Estrelinho’s loss is magnified. Until he discovers that a girl offers other, shall we say, insights....
Portuguese man-of-war, (Physalia physalis), species of jellylike marine animals of the order Siphonophora (class Hydrozoa, phylum Cnidaria) noted for its colonial body, floating habits, and powerful stings. It is often mistaken for a jellyfish. The Portu
of the west coast of India; (2) Damão, orDaman, with the separated territories ofDadrá and Nagar Haveli, north ofMumbai(formerly Bombay) and lying between the Indian states ofMaharashtraandGujarat; (3)Diuwith Pani Kota Island on the southern coast of theKathiawar Peninsulain Gujarat state...
Nunes, and Teófilo Braga. Where Portuguese courtly verse was traditionally concerned with love, religion, and the sea, the ballads known collectively as the romanceiro mixed those themes with adventure, war, and chivalry. Few of these ballads can be dated earlier than the 15th century; they ...
Quick Facts Also called: Second World War Date: September 3, 1939 - September 2, 1945 Participants: Canada China France Germany India Italy Japan Soviet Union United Kingdom United States Major Events: Battle of Crete atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ...
of the west coast of India; (2) Damão, orDaman, with the separated territories ofDadrá and Nagar Haveli, north ofMumbai(formerly Bombay) and lying between the Indian states ofMaharashtraandGujarat; (3)Diuwith Pani Kota Island on the southern coast of theKathiawar Peninsulain Gujarat state...
Eça de Queirós was theillegitimateson of a prominent magistrate. He received a degree inlawin 1866 from the University of Coimbra and then settled in Lisbon. There his father helped the young man make a start in thelegal profession. Eça de Queirós’s real interest lay inliterature, how...
According to security studies and military science schools of thought, after the World Wars, different paradigms emerged that aimed to identify and explain the causes of war and develop strategies to achieve this goal. In general, the best-known theories are realism, liberalism, and constructivism....