Portraiture 是一款Photoshop 的插件,用于人像图片润色,减少了人工选择图像区域的重复劳动。它能智能地对图像中的皮肤材质、头发、眉毛、睫毛等部位进行平滑和减少疵点处理! Portraiture 2 offers an enhanced skin masking generator that allows for automatic skin tone ...
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\cc\Imagenomic (如果有CS6或者其他版本的PS文件夹点进去看下,如果有Imagenomic文件也要删除,但是注意不要删除到Camera Raw文件,一些其他插件也可能会装在这个位置)连接位置 然后重启电脑 打开PS点击 帮助-关于增效工具 如果没有Imagenomic Portraiture的字...
Imagenomic's Portraiture 2 Digital software tools such as Imagenomic's Portraiture 2 make it easy to retouch portraits and meet the subject's expectations of how they think/hope/ dream they redly look.Portraiture 2 is a Photoshop-compatible plug-in that also ... S Group - 《Shutterbug》 被...
5、安装完成后 进入“moxplugins”文件、“Portraiture 2 Lightroom Plug-in”文件、“x64”文件中,把里面的Portraiture64.exe删了 。6、将解压出来的Portraiture(中文补丁)改名为Portraiture64放入即可。7、然后打开lr随便导张图 。点击菜单栏:照片---'在其他应用程序中编辑”---在其他应用程序中编...
Portraiture Plug-in for Adobe Photoshop free download. Get the latest version now. Eliminate the tedious manual labor of selective maskin.
Portraiture 2.The article reviews Portraiture 2.0, a plug-in to Adobe Lightroom and Apple Aperture, developed by Imagenomic LLC for portrait retouching.AshbrookStanEBSCO_AspPsa Journal
Imagenomic Portraiture 2 & 3 plugin has issues in Affinity where by Portraiture 2 - Plugin loads correctly, but does not allow the corrected photo to load back into Affinity and causes the program to crash Portraiture 3 - Plugin loads correctly, but the
5、2、完成后,拖动“Portraiture3.plugin”(第二个文件)到“Portraiture 3 Plug-in”(第三个文件夹),提示替换,点击“替换”即可,如下图。6、---[分割线]---写照平滑和软化的图像去除伪影的同时保留皮肤纹理和其他重要的图像细节,如头发,眉毛,睫毛等来达到预期的效果,你可以为不同的细部...
Votes 2 Upvotes Translate Translate Jump to answer Explore related tutorials & articles 16 Replies Jump to latest reply Pete.Green Adobe Employee , Jun 16, 2015 Copy link to clipboard Hi jpylephoto, You'll want to check with imagenomic for an update to the plu...
Imagenomic has released the Portraiture plug-in for Photoshop. The next-generation skin smoothing, healing, and enhancing software builds on the tech of Version 2, with twice the speed and performance, plus output quality refinement that produces consistent and pleasing retouching results. Additional ...