Portrait vs Landscape Page Orientation Page Orientation即页面方向,指的是矩形平面以长边为底还是以短边为底,分为Portrait(纵向)和Landscape(横向)两类。 从英文可知这两者最早的定义皆出自绘画,Portrait指的是人物画像,Landscape指的则是风景画。扩展到其他领域后,Portrait主要应用于报纸书籍及移动设备,而Landscape主要...
Portrait was once the dominant orientation, and most IBM PCs from the late 1970s to the early 1980s were Portrait. However, with the trend of mass production, Landscape gradually took center stage. At that time, televisions, which were already widely used as alternatives to computer...
Unlike portrait photographers, landscape photographers don’t require lenses with wide apertures since they aim to achieve a deep depth of field. And artificial lighting is almost pointless, given the vastness of the landscape compared to the beam of a speedlight. But a tripod is pretty much a ...
In the landscape-oriented image below, the photo captures much of the studio space, finished sculptures, tools, and the piece the sculptor is working on right now. All of these things provide the viewers with a great deal of context. Alternatively, in this portrait-oriented photo, we see th...
Portrait and landscape are terms that describe the orientation of a page, image, screen, or device. Portrait orientation is vertical, with the height being greater than the width, and is commonly used for reading documents or viewing mobile content. Landscape orientation is horizontal, with the ...
Portrait vs Landscape 解析页面方向 页面方向,或称Page Orientation,是指页面呈现时是以其长边还是短边作为基准,它分为两大类:Portrait(纵向)与Landscape(横向)。 追溯其词源,我们会发现这两个术语最初均源自绘画领域。具体而言,Portrait原本指描绘人物的画作,而Landscape则用以描述风景画。随着应用领域的拓展,...
It takes patience, practice, and intuition to create stunning images. Start experimenting. Don’t let the dilemma of portrait vs. landscape hold you back. On a photoshoot, context helps make the call as to how to orient your photos. You can focus on the main subject and exclude everything...
In photography, the concept of portrait vs landscape is much the same. Let’s take a closer look at each of these in more detail and how they apply to photography. What is Portrait? Portrait is when the frame of the image sitsvertically– i.e., the side edges are longer than the top...
Portrait vs landscape photography genre We all know the broad difference between portrait photography and landscape photography.But when is a portrait a landscape and vice versa? When photographing people, there are many types of portraiture, one of which is environmental portraits. While it might se...
Portrait vs landscape orientation basics If you’re simply interested in practical advice for working with portrait and landscape orientations, feel free to skip to the next section – but for those of you who want to understand a bit of the history behind these visual formats and how painters...