“The Picture of Dorian Gray,” set in London in 1886, follows the life of a young man who unwittingly barters away his soul in exchange for perpetual youth. While he remains young and unchanged, a portrait of him ages hideously. Hurd Hatfield plays the title role of an innocent man who...
a侧盖 Side cover [translate] abasil hayward was a successful artist.he had nearly finished a portrait of a very handsome young man called dorian gray. 蓬蒿hayward是成功的artist.he几乎完成了一个非常英俊的年轻人的画像告诉多利安人的灰色。 [translate] ...
The story tells the story of a young and handsome young Dorian Dorian Gray, when he first arrived in London, a young, shy, shyness young man, and a painter friend Howard drew a portrait for him. Dorian Gray, a natural and beautiful man, saw a portrait of a person as big as a real...
056 The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde 128 2021-08 6 057 The Time Machine - H. G. Wells 94 2021-08 7 058 Dracula - Bram Stoker 248 2021-08 8 059 The Way of All Flesh - Samuel Butler 530 2021-08 9 060 Call of the Wild - Jack London ...