Portola High School is ranked 55th within California. Students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement® coursework and exams. The AP® participation rate at Portola High School is 70%. The total minority enrollment is 81%, and 16% of students are economically...
Portola High School是一所建校比较短的高中,当然,整个尔湾地区也很“年轻”。但尽管如此,它还是能够在多个高中评分网站中排在较高位置,说明了校方对师资的投入以及对教育质量的高要求。它处在整个尔湾地区的东部,学区也主要集中在橙县大公园的东部地区。租售情况100平米左右(1000平方英尺左右)2居室的公寓房租$...
Portola High School is a top rated, public school located in IRVINE, CA. It has 2,293 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 28 to 1. According to state test scores, 67% of students are at least proficient in math and 85% in reading. ...
📋 一、Portola High School体育项目简介 Portola High School拥有28支体育队伍,致力于培养学生的团队精神、奉献精神和领导力。学校鼓励所有新生在完成试训和正式入队后,参与Fit4Life(混合性别体育课程)。 📝 二、体育生报名参加流程 要参与体育活动(包括夏季技能训练营),学生必须完成体育清晰度审核。所需文件包括: ...
跑特拉Portola High School是尔湾联合学区内最新建的一所高中,教学设施非常先进,2020年刚好四年!因此2020年的毕业生算是Portola High的第一届毕业生。对了 大事 Portola High 中文翻译那几个字啊?google了半天没找到中文 跑特拉 感觉像电动车 大家有翻译好听的 给留个言吧 2020年毕业生大学去向情况 上面是全图...
Portola Junior/Senior High SchoolTest Scores School District State English Language Arts Bar chart with 3 data series. The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year. The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 100. Created with Highcharts 8.2.2YearEnglish Language Arts55%55%44%44%39%...
至于新建的Portola High School,虽然刚刚起步,但其独特的教育理念和现代化的教学设施已经吸引了众多家长的关注,有望在未来的教育领域中崭露头角。接下来,让我们转向另一所历史悠久的学校——Northwood High School。这所学校不仅在学术上有着深厚的积累,更以其丰富多彩的课外活动而闻名。在这里,学生们不仅能够...
同时,该社区还拥有10分评分的Portola Springs Elementary School和Jeffrey Trail Middle School,以及全新建立的小学Loma Ridge Elementary School和高中Portola High School。这些学校均为孩子们提供了优质的教育资源。Northwood High SchoolNorthwood High School,位于尔湾联合学区,不仅荣获加州杰出学校称号,更是全美蓝丝带...
John Pehrson 校长 -- 尔湾PORTOLA高中 Mr. Pehrson之前在全美著名的尔湾University High高中担任了10年的校长... Portola High School - Irvine Unified School District http://t.cn/A6AFf5Vc #Irvine Sch...
Irvine USD, Portola High School The 245,000-sq-ft Portola High School sits on a 43-acre span of the former Marine Corps Air Station El Toro in Irvine, Calif. The facility was designed to meet criteria developed by the Collaborative for High Performance Schools, a Calif... A Zevin - Eng...