韦柳港RO 粤语音译名: 韋柳港RO 报错 英文名: Porto Velho 所在城市: 球队主场: 成立时间: 平均年龄: 主教练: 官方网站: 进入网站 联系地址: 球队特点 暂无数据 数据统计 进攻数据 防守数据 胜平负胜率犯规黄牌红牌控球率射门(射正)传球(成功)传球成功率过人次数评分 25 16 14 45.5% 0 138 4 25.33% ...
The research made it possible to understand interculturality in the migration process of Haitians in Porto Velho - RO, since the mother tongue and religion are elements that are configured as sociocultural practices that contribute to the strengthening of the Haitian communit...
Porto Velho-Governador Jorge Teixeira de Oliveira International Airport(韦柳港总督豪尔赫·特谢拉·德奥利维拉国际机场)位于南美洲巴西波多韦柳,经度:-8.714129062863286,纬度:-63.898405887264325,IATA Code(三字码)是PVH, ICAO Code(四字码)是SBPV。Porto Velho-Gove
To study the prevalence of the beginning of sexual life (IVS) and related factors in school adolescents on the 8° year of the public school in Porto Velho-RO in 2010.Transversal study with a representative sample of 996 school analyzed with t-Student test and Cox Regression.The prevalence ...
Click here for theCurrent Time in Porto Velho, Rondonia, Brazil Like this location? Make it a Weather Favorite! Add Porto%252520Velho, Rondonia, Brazil to my favorites! Bookmark this location to check the time and temperature with forecast and current weather conditions in Porto Velho, Rondonia...
Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral, Porto VelhoCatedral Sagrado Coração de Jesus 3.0 热度 R. Dom Pedro II, 825 - Caiari, Porto Velho - RO, 76801-151, Brazil 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 ...
Cultural Market Porto Velho 3.4Av. Pres. Dutra, 2816 - Olaria, Porto Velho - RO, 76801-060, Brazil 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Kikuchi Culinária Oriental ¥158/人 日本料理 直线距离2.4km Celeiro ...
Gazin Porto Velho 实时比分、球员、赛季日程表和今天的结果可以在 Sofascore 上查看。 Gazin Porto Velho 下一场比赛 Gazin Porto Velho 的下一场比赛是在 2025年2月12日 下午8:00:00 UTC 在 Rondoniense 上对阵 Genus。 比赛开始后,你就可以关注Genus vs Gazin Porto Velho实时比分、积分榜、每分钟更新的实...
一航物流用最恰当的方式服务于您走遍世界。 北京首都国际机场(Beijing Capital International Airport,IATA:PEK,ICAO:ZBAA),距离市中心25公里,为4F级民用机场,是中国三大门户复合枢纽之一、环渤海地区国际航空货运枢纽群成员、世界超大型机场。 2010至2019年间,北京首都国际机场是客流世界排名第二大机场,仅次于美国亚...
这是关于Pedacinho de Chao, Porto Velho邮政编码的网页,以及经度、纬度和在线地图等专业信息。 邮编 分类:RO,R,Porto Velho,78905 Locality:Porto Velho Name: Vitoria Postcode:78905-090 Federation Unit: RO Area:Pedacinho de Chao Abbreviation: R