Balsa de Porto Xavierestación, 4 km al norte Ilha Coloradaisla, 8 km al noroeste Ilha Mineralisla, 8 km al noroesteDestinos populares en Río Grande del Sur Descubre Porto Alegre, Caxias do Sul, Pelotas y Santa Maria. Porto Alegre Caxias do Sul Pelotas Santa MariaCada...
UBSF BGVposto de saúde, 690 metros a oeste Padariarestaurante de fast food, 1 km ao sul Padaria Fernandapadaria, 1 km ao sulDestinos populares em Rio Grande do Sul Descubra Porto Alegre, Caxias do Sul, Pelotas e Santa Maria. Porto Alegre Caxias do Sul Pelotas Santa MariaUma...
Porto Alegre, city, capital of Rio Grande do Sul estado (state), southern Brazil. It lies near the Atlantic Ocean coast at the northern end of the freshwater Patos Lagoon along an arm of the lagoon known as the Guaíba River. The city is situated at the
Passeio Alegre 20, Povoa de Varzim 4490-428 Portugal 18.3 miles from Peter's Beetle Tours & Transfers #180 Best Value of 567 Hotels near Peter's Beetle Tours & Transfers "I was surprised that for a 4star hotel there was no bar the lounge very poor also...
Passeio Alegre 20, Povoa de Varzim 4490-428 Portugal 18.3 miles from Torre da Rua de Baixo #179 Best Value of 567 Hotels near Torre da Rua de Baixo "I was surprised that for a 4star hotel there was no bar the lounge very poor also + no swimming pool The rooms we...
風:軟風,東部, 速度4公里每小时 阵风:7公里每小时 濕度:71% 壓力:932百帕 可見度:100% 地磁场:安静 紫外线指数:14,6 (紫色) 月相:; 日出:05:18; 日落:18:26; 月出:02:09; 月落:14:42; 长期天气预报每小时天气预报日出和日落月亮的上升和设置 ...