When Tonkon Torp attorney Joe Voboril joined the Portland Art Museum board of trustees in 1992, he didn’t expect that his involvement would last over 20 years.
The Portland Museum of Art (the PMA), founded in 1882, is Maine’s largest and most visited art institution, and among the oldest museums in America...
Annapolis, Maryland. He was a member of the inaugural graduating class of 2004 at the Stonecoast MFA Program, University of Southern Maine; is a former board member at Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance (MWPA); and served for five years on the board of trustees of Maine Reads. Sargent ...
Wilma, when not taking care of her three children, Joseph, Charles III, and Lucy Mae, invested her time in the community by serving on the board of the Portland Symphony Orchestra, Portland Museum of Art, and the Portland Stage Company. Wilma’s passion for the arts pushed her to play a...