Portion Perfection is a pictorial weight control plan showing exactly how much of almost any food to eat for weight loss or weight maintenance. There's guides for men, women and children, and a separate version for those who have had bariatric surgery. Join 100,000+ others using Portion Perf...
Portion control is one of the most important factors in weight loss, Check here for the suggested portion sizes of typical foods.
Science Reveals Women Who Wear Less Clothing Live Longer<<In case you were looking for an excuse to be a nudist (who isn’t?!), here’s your chance. (Pssst, this is a joke). (Huffington Post) New study finds that fatty foods alleviate sadness<<I’ve also seen several studies correla...
PORTION CONTROL TIPS When dining at restaurants known for their jumbo portions, split an entree or take half home for later. Be mindful. Pay attention to how much butter you slather on bread and to the dressing you pour on your salad. Eat off smaller plates and bowls. A serving of ...
Portion control can help you achieve yourhealthy eatinggoals if you are trying to lead a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. It is important for makinghealthy eating choicesthat will provide you with energy to fuel your workouts and nutrients to help you feel and function at your best!
at the University of Calgary, Alberta, carried out a randomized controlled trial of commercially available portion control plates and bowls in 2004.They randomly assigned 130 obese patients of average age 56 with type 2 diabetes mellitus (including 55 patients taking insulin) to one of two groups...
Specific portion control tools may be helpful as potentially effective instruments for inclusion as part of weight loss interventions. Reduced size plates per se may not be as effective as previously suggested. Publisher's Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional clai...
A previous study investigated whether allowing subjects greater control over the amount of food on their plates attenuated the effect of portion size on intake (Rolls, Morris, & Roe, 2002). As the amount of the pasta dish was increased across meals, some subjects were served a pre-plated por...
During the intervention period, the portion sizes of vegetables on the plates of main dishes were doubled (150 g of vegetables instead of 75 g) and the portion sizes of meat were reduced by an average of 12.5%. In the control period, the portion sizes of the main dishes remained as usu...
targeted at portion size (such as the reduction of portion sizes) as paternalistic.25This topic will be further discussed later in this paper. Second, for many, the connection between portion sizes and weight control is not that obvious. Often, people think that the type of food is important...