fresh pork leg: This makes a great roast for a large crowd. It's usually cured as ham, so you might have to special-order it to get it fresh. It's sold either boneless or bone-in, and either whole or halved. The bottom half is called the shank portion
is in itself not a bad thing. Construction goes on all over the world. The issue with the slavery is the oppression, stress and unworkable workload and timetables that they were placed under. The incredibly long hours without even getting paid. The lack of days off, sick days or even per...
1ribsteakontheboneorcôteduboeuf(about800g) 1tbsprapeseedoil 1garlicclove 2thymesprigs 25gbutter,choppedintosmallpieces sweetpotatofries adressedsalad,toserve Forthemojosalsa 2limes 1smallorange ½smallbunchmint,finelychopped smallbunchcoriander,finelychopped ...