Design templates Desktop apps & websites Mobile apps Portfolio templates Resume templates Assets Illustrations Icons Shapes & colors Plugins Editing & effects Transform your colors, images, text, and more File organization Get “type A” files and layers Development Speed up your handoff, process, an...
extensive animations, and a complete design system. Featuring a fully responsive layout and an array ofcustom components, this Figma template offers full adaptability
This is my portfolio design and i host a website through out this design , may people take reference for my portfolio and get some ideas of design its a free to consider Preview
Hi everyone my name is Parul Rathour I am a UX designer in the making. Welcome to my UX portfolio website more like Figma file. This comprehensive design showcases my skills and experiences in the field of User Experience (UX) design. Witness the seamless flow of navigation, intuitive inter...
Introducing my latest portfolio website UI design! 🎉🎨💻 Using Figma, I've created a stunning and user-friendly interface that showcases my work and skills. 🌟👀💪 Whether you're a photographer, graphic designer, or writer, a portfolio website is a must-have in today's digital...
Design templates Portfolio templates Haseeb.ur.rehman My Portfolio Design file • 4 • 123 users Open in FigmaAbout Comments 0 It's My 1st Portfolio that represent some of my skills Preview More like this Portfolio design | Landing page | Simple design Portfolio Website Landing Page Template...
Sujaan Arora - Portfolio Website Design I am a UI/UX and front-end developer, and this Figma file showcases the full design of my live portfolio website. It includes an overview of my featured projects, detailing the work I've done in design and development. The file also highlights a...
Yo, This year I designed my portfolio to develop using Framer. I used the Figma to HTML with Framer plugin and then worked on finer details before launching. Access live website here If this was useful in any way, let me know! Cheers
Design templates Desktop apps & websites Mobile apps Portfolio templates Resume templates Assets Illustrations Icons Shapes & colors Plugins Editing & effects Transform your colors, images, text, and more File organization Get “type A” files and layers ...
37 1.3k Minimalist Portfolio Website | Framer Template byAsril Mochammad 50 1.3k Personal Financial App Design In Figma byPasin Engle 44 1.3k Template Portfolio UX/UI Design byNimal 277 1.5k Portfolio UI Kit byAshraful Malik 61 1.3k