CSS HTML 5 Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Premiere Adobe XD Figma Jira Bootstrap 508 Compliancy LOGO DESIGN Highly proficient in logo design, applying custom shapes, typography using positive and negative space, vectors to integrate on various material, like...
A portfolio website, Built using HTML CSS JavaScript jQuery Bootstrap, and React - AhmadDalao/Portfolio
Portfolio Online Portfolio In this project, I built an online portfolio that showcases the work I've created as part of the Front End Web Development Tech Degree. The portfolio is hosted using GitHub Pages, uses a Twitter Bootstrap framework, and brings together my talents with HTML, CSS, ...
In this guide, I'll walk you through building your personal portfolio using HTML and CSS. These tools have been the cornerstone of my journey in web design and development, and now I want to share this knowledge with you. Regardless of your level of expertise, this guide is meant to ...
I am very comfortable with front-end coding using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery and PHP. I have a lot of experience working with content management systems like WordPress and Sitefinity including the development of custom themes and templates. As new coding platforms continue to eme...
HTML CSS JavaScript bootstrapCreditsDesigned and developed by Geremu Tilahun If u liked my website and the code was useful to you, feel free to leave a star (much appreciated) fork it and customize as you like!About Personal portfolio, developed using HTML,CSS and JavaScript geretilahun...
The client-facing and admin pages are written using Laravel's template system, jQuery, Bootstrap, CSS3, and LESS. All of the content on this site is written utilizing the CMS, and all data is stored in the database. All of the developing has been done on my computer locally. I use ...
Wedding invitation website, built using HTML, Css, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. Visit the app Pekat Timur Community complaint service website, built using Bootstrap, PHP, Laravel and MySQL. Visit the app WaveWhisper A beach review website, built using Express.js, EJS, Node.js, and ...
This is where you can view my design portfolio. My skillset include building responsive websites using HTML5, CSS/ SASS, JavaScript, Bootstrap designed using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. For my development portfolio, please visit Adelite4u designs...
Using a CSS framework will allow you to improve the look of the site without too much effort. One of the most popular CSS frameworks is Bootstrap: Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development. It contains HTML, CSS and ...