波特五力分析模型(Michael Porter's Five Forces Model),又稱波特競爭力模型、波特五力分析(Porter 5 force analysis)波特五力分析模型是邁克爾·波特(Michael Porter)於20世紀80年代初提出,對企業戰略制定產生全球性的深遠影響。用於競爭戰略的分析,可以有效的分
Porter's Five Forces 基金管理人将采用波特的五种力量; 波特竞争模型分析;[例句]Analysis of China Shipbuilding Industry Structure Based on Porter's Five Forces Model 基于波特五力模型的我国造船产业结构分析
波特五力分析 五力分析模型是迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter)于80年代初提出,对企业战略制定产生全球性的深远影响。用于竞争战略的分析,可以有效的分析客户的竞争环境。五力分别是: 供应商的讨价还价能力、购买者的讨价还价能力、潜在竞争者进入的能力、替代品的替代能力、行业内竞争者现在的竞争能力。五种力...
Porter's Five Forces Analysis 的定义和含义这是一个分析行业竞争水平的框架。这五种力量是行业中的竞争,易于进入行业,供应商权力,买方电力以及替代产品的可能性。根据国家/地区的单词用法: "Porter's Five Forces Analysis" 世界上许多国家都使用商务英语。 本网站上的某些单词和短语在任何使用商务英语的地方都能...
Detailed Starbucks Porter's Five Forces Analysis Twitter Share Copy 1. Introduction Micheal E Porter developed Porter's Five Forces model to analyze the level of competition for a business in the industry. It is a simple and effective tool that helps businesses to analyze the level of compe...
Enterprise applies Porter’s five-force model also needs to be balanced both internally and externally. Based on Porter’s five forces analysis, the degree of matching of its resources with the industry is examined. Under the conditions of intensified market competition, any enterprise has certain ...
establishment. It was formed by Michael E.Porterof the Harvard Business School between 1979 and the mid 1980’s.Porterdeveloped theFiveForcesmodel in opposition to the SWOT (strengths‚ weaknesses‚ environmental opportunities‚ threats)analysisthat was anindustrystandard for businesses to determine...
What Are Porter's Five Forces? Michael Porter's five-force strategic analysis model, introduced in a 1979 article published in theHarvard Business Review, remains a fundamental tool for strategic analysts plotting the competitive landscape of an industry.1 ...
Porter's Five Forces A MODEL FOR INDUSTRY ANALYSIS The model of pure competition implies that risk-adjusted rates of return should be constant across firms and industries. However, numerous economic studies have affirmed that different industries can sustain different levels of profitability; part of ...
poter's five force波特五力分析模型(Michael Porter's Five Forces Model),又称波特竞争力模型。 波特五力分析模型简介 五力分析模型是迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter)于80年代初提出,对企业战略制定产生全球性的深远影响。用于竞争战略的分析,可以有效的分析客户的竞争环境。五力分别是:供应商的讨价还价能力、购买者的...