Three important book of Michael E Porter :Competitive Strategy:Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors;The Competitive Advantage of Nations and .迈克尔. 波特 的“战略三部曲”是:竞争战略:行业和竞争对手分析法;国家竞争优势;以及 。 A.竞争优势:创造并保持优秀绩效 Competitive Advantage:Creating ...
作者:[美] 迈克尔·波特 (Michael E. Porter) 著;陈丽芳 译 出版社:中信出版社 出版时间:2014-08-00 开本:16开 印刷时间:2016-11-00 页数:318 字数:352 ISBN:9787508643465 版次:1 ,购买竞争战略 The Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries
A.竞争战略:行业和竞争对手分析法 Competitive Strategy:Techniques for Analyzing Industries and CompetitorsB.竞争优势:创造并保持优秀绩效 Competitive Advantage:Creating and Sustaining Superior PerformanceC.国家竞争优势 The Competitive Advantage of NationsD.公司战略 Corporate strategy相关知识点: 试题...
Michael Porter identifies three strategies for achieving competitive edge in his book, “Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance.” These are Cost Leadership Strategy, Differentiation Strategy, and Focus Strategy. Cost Leadership Strategy focuses on increasing profits by reducing ...
OVERVlEW OF THlS BOOK PART l PRlNClPLES OF COMPETlTlVE ADVANTAGE Chapter 2 The Value Chain and Competitive Advantage THE VALUE CHAlN Identifying Value Activities Defining the Value Chain Linkages within The Value Chain Vertical Linkages
As research for the next book I'm supposed to be writing, I've been reading Michael E. Porter's book Competitive Strategy. It's a brilliant book and it is considered the standard text on the subject, read by freshly hatched management consultants worldwi
《Understanding Michael Porter:The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy》作者:Perseus,出版社:2011年10月 第1版,ISBN:。Competitiveadvantage.Thevaluechain.Fiveforces.Indu
迈克尔. 波特 的“战略三部曲”是: Three important book of Michael E Porter : A、竞争战略:行业和竞争对手分析法 Competitive Strategy:Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors B、竞争优势:创造并保持优秀绩
Michael E. Porter is the Bishop William Lawrence University Professor at the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness and based at the Harvard Business School. He is one of the leading authorities on competitive strategy. This book focuses on the competitiveness and economic development of nations,...
Porter’s Generic Strategies can help you to make the best choice for your organization. Michael Porter identifies three strategies for achieving competitive edge in his book, “Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance.” Thes...